The World Audiologic Network


Welcome everybody on  our new World Audiologic Network!

* This site is  born August 25, 2012!

Other languages:

French (français:...sur ce lien: 

A work that we destine to future generations of  freedom fighters of the Peoples of the Earth!


This network will broadcast around the world, various literary works, including books scientific, historical, political, philosophical and ecological digitized format and audilogique ... in English.


I begin by humbly various writings that reflect a little, the trend research and the struggle of Defenders of the Earth around the world.


We believe it is absolutely necessary to spread the truth and all knowledge that enable the organization of the March of the Peoples of humanity to Freedom!


We believe that we must tear down this wall of fraud, corruption and forgery as many already called the New World Order! The best way is not and will never use weapons that arms manufacturers the NWO themselves have made, but our pen write with our own blood, if necessary, the new book release Humans on Earth!


We leave it as an inheritance Network Audiological to all those who want the challenge of changing the world, for it is not the world we dreamed of when we were young!

If you only have twenty or thirty years when you read these lines, I'm sure you'll love fight with us for a New Era of sharing, understanding, compassion and above all love and friendship replaces this period of the history of humans on Earth Originelle, as that of Great Degeneration of the Human Soul, that the beginning of the Sixth Great Mass Extinction!


All plant and animal species on Earth is threatened by a small group of unscrupulous capitalists, among other things, members of secret societies whose ultimate conspiracy will be organized genocide of more than forty percent (40%) of the world population.The  political world teeming with corrupt politicians and opportunists with no humanity.


We want to change that, it would change a little human nature changes so that the current court of history!


Please support  our great quest of Truth and Knowledge, that also the diffusion of ideas in order to avoid global control of Unique Thinking and Creating a World Totalitarian Plus More, as head sembe now!


Earth administered by "Real" Defenders of the Earth, abolish the power of money, debt, abolish unnecessary wars, hold a population control human population and launch an ambitious program of space colonization, because we believe in the future of the human adventure!


Thank you  for reading!

Duchaine Michel, founder of World Audiologic Network


People working on this site:

Michel Duchaine:

Founder of the World Audiologic Network

Founder of the Defenders of the Earth, World Civil Disobedience Movement ,Quebec Civil Disobedience Movement

Evelyn Bailey ... one of the first to support Defenders of Terre.Elle has spent more than two months at Occupy Wall Street!

Enrich Von Eichman I will drink historical texts,


To them ... çi, other names will be added throughout the day, bringing texts, their voices and contributions.



Even the smallest amounts will come and give a big boost to all our projects!

Even a dollar can greatly do to unlock multiple projects that will ensure the triumph of Truth, Knowledge and respect all forms of life on Earth.

Our first project:

1 - The organization of the expedition to  Neu Schwabenland 2= German secret bases in Antarctica during (and after) World War II!

We invite you to view our website (under construction) ... to give you an idea:

LINK to the website:  (actually in construction but it will be translate in english few times).





Support Michael Duchaine in his new signing and sharing global petition to fight against political corruption in Quebec, by canceling the elections of September 4, 2012.

Address to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II to cancel the elections of September 4, 2012, Quebec



Our policy:


We strive to give the best of ourselves ... possible!

We will always try to give the texts and videos and soundtrack work on this site.

Anyone interested in becoming a collaborator on this site, may do so by contacting us: we still need help because the task is infinite and illimitée.En providing only Notepad text format or text format, this remarkable sra. We will be happy to publish your names and sources, if desired!

What will we do with the money collected on this site:

1-The donations will go to projects essential to bring out the truth on some key points in our history.

The first element in the running operation will Neu Swabenland 2 on which we are working.

The goal is to organize a scientific expedition to the German secret bases (what remains) in Antarctica.


2-We will have more other new projects like a Great Political Action  for the Liberation of Tibet! few time!


 Links  on this website:                                  Follow us on Facebook: World Audiologic Network ...on Fb


Articles and video of Michel Duchaine

Books and video about  the politic in Quebec                                                                          New World Order                      

Esoterism and paranormal                   

Books and video about science fiction,legends and mythology                                                  History and international politic

 Books and video about religious subjects

 Books and video about ufology                                                           For contact us    


Links and associated partners                       The blog of the World Audiologic Network    


Classic movies (police and adventure)


Books and videos about history                    Movies destinated for children (retro and new)




(May 25,2013)=a new page : Astronomy

(May 25,2013) = a new page: Old classic movies (comedy)

(March 28,2013=  the complete text of : Farewell to the Master ...on this link : Science fiction story



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